Friday, March 16, 2007

Indie-Pictures announces their newest acquisition "The Audience Strikes Back" by Patrick Beacham

Los Angeles, CA - Indie-Pictures is proud to announce their newest acquisition: "The Audience Strikes Back." Director Patrick Beacham delivers a first-rate dark comedy based on the recent George Lucas film, "The Revenge of the Sith." Imagine yourself leaving the theater after just seeing "The Revenge of the Sith" A strange man approaches you holding a microphone. "We're shooting a documentary." the man states, "Would you care to express your opinions about the film you just saw?" You agree and suddenly find yourself in a barren room with a film crew and seven strangers who have also agreed to the same line of questioning. At first, it all seems friendly enough. Everyone involved loves “Star Wars” and its entire franchise. However, the group quickly discovers something: Not only do they have absolutely nothing in common except the film they just saw, but none of them would ever voluntarily put themselves in a conversation with anyone else in the group, let alone put themselves in the same room with one another. No one seems to care and everyone decides there is no holding back. Why not make the best of an otherwise awkward situation? After all, they’re all in the same boat.

Much to their surprise, the boat quickly begins to spring leaks. The conversation which is supposed to be about their opinions on Star Wars, quickly turns into a situation that must be seen to be believed. Everything you were ever warned about discussing at the dinner table is up for grabs: Gay marriage and adoption, Christian fundamentalism, The war in Iraq, abortion, global warming, and beheadings…just to name a few. "The Audience Strikes Back" sheds new light on what people actually dare say behind closed doors and in the presence of strangers.

Look for "The Audience Strikes Back" arriving soon at your local video store. If you would like to receive updates on when and where to purchase "The Audience Strikes Back," please visit: or or email:

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